Sunday 18 December 2011

First semester is over. We are enjoying the winter break and Christmas holiday!

Finally we have finished our 14 weeks of the first semester. It has been, again, a busy but fruitful period for all of us. We had marketing, finance, economics, information technology for management within the last 7 weeks. I particularly like the cases in the IT management class as I had a technology background prior to joining BC. They are great examples of how information technology could help companies improve their bottom lines or build sustainable competitive advantages.

We also had a great time with Accounting Professors Pete Wilson and Carolyn Wilson during the Thanksgiving. We had a party in their house with students from different countries. I really look forward to joining them again next year. It was really fun and enjoyable experience. Below are some photos from the party.

Thanksgiving dinner

We took a walk together at the wood nearby after the dinner

Professor Pete Wilson

Professor Carolyn Wilson

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